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Alumni/ae Age 30 & Under (1-yr. dues) Online Notices only.
  Description:  Graduates of the College, Graduate & Extension Schools, Post-Graduate Programs, and individuals who have completed Certificate programs; Faculty & senior officers (current & retired). Includes Name Tag.
Membership price:  $35.00

Regular Alumni/ae (1-yr. dues) Online Notices only
  Description:  Graduates of the College, Graduate & Extension Schools, Post-Graduate Programs, and individuals who have completed Certificate programs; Faculty & senior officers (current & retired). Includes Name Tag.
Membership price:  $50.00

Regular Alumni/ae (1-yr. dues) with Print/Mail option
  Description:  Graduates of the College, Graduate & Extension Schools, Post-Graduate Programs, and individuals who have completed Certificate programs; Faculty & senior officers (current & retired). Includes Name Tag.
Membership price:  $70.00

Sustaining Member (3-yr. dues) Online Notices only
  Description:  Graduates of the College, Graduate & Extension Schools, Post-Graduate Programs, and individuals who have completed Certificate programs; Faculty & senior officers (current & retired). Includes Name Tag + Tote Bag.
Membership price:  $135.00

Current Harvard Undergraduate Students & their Parents
  Description:  Complimentary membership (1-yr. / No dues) Online Notices only. Includes Name Tag.
Membership price:  $0.00

Honorary Members (1-yr. dues) Online Notices only
  Description:  Must be approved by Harvard Club Board of Directors - for Distinguished Harvard/Club Service; includes Spouses of Deceased Alumni Members. Includes Name Tag.
Membership price:  $50.00

Sustaining Member (3-yr. dues) with Print/Mail option
  Description:  Graduates of the College, Graduate & Extension Schools, Post-Graduate Programs, and individuals who have completed Certificate programs; Faculty & senior officers (current & retired). Includes Name Tag + Tote Bag.
Membership price:  $195.00