Giving Back / Principals' Center Fellowship Program
- Help local Sarasota-area School Principals and District Administrators experience the unique and lasting benefits of attending a week’s immersion in Summer Leadership Institutes at The Principals’ Center at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education.
- Initiated by our Club in 1998, the Principal’s Center Fellowship Program has worked in partnership over the years with the Sarasota County School District to send over 30 local school district personnel directly to Harvard’s Principals’ Center Summer Institutes - with the School District experiencing such success that it now allocates a portion of its own budget annually to send Principals and Administrators to the Principals’ Center directly - for instance, sending 14 of its own personnel in the summer in 2017!
- The Harvard Graduate School of Education's Principals' Center was founded in 1981 and provides aspiring and experienced school leaders from across the globe with exemplary professional development to meet personal and professional challenges.
- Harvard's Principals' Center has dedicated itself to the support, development, and improvement of School Principals and other school leaders who influence the character and quality of a school, its staff, and its students.
- Our Program inspires local school leaders with new ideas and frameworks and provides professional guidance and long-term collaborative and networking opportunities demonstrated to produce remarkable results.
- Due to Principals' Center program cost increases over the years, the Harvard Club of Sarasota continues to sponsor one-two local Principals annually.
We encourage you to support this very important cause.
- For additional information, please email Principals' Center Fellowship Program Chair, Manda Jordan, AB '90: