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@Sarasota Opera
February 22, 2024
6:00 pm
Join us for Georges Bizet’s exciting opera "Carmen" featuring some of opera's most recognizable music. Carmen, the seductive heroine of Bizet’s opera, has enticed Corporal Don Jose who has upended his life to be with her. When her interest turns to the charismatic bullfighter Escamillo, Jose's jealousy leads to disaster.
- Pre-opera Reception from 6:15PM-7:15PM in the Selby Bar and Lobby on the 2nd Floor
- Curtain at 7:30PM
The opera evening package includes excellent front, center orchestra seats and a private pre-opera Reception. At the pre-opera reception, attendees will enjoy a selection of appetizers and mini-desserts. Cash bar for beverages. Richard Russell, Director General of the Sarasota Opera, will speak to our group about "Carmen."
Tickets for the opera evening package are $150 per person. If you already have purchased tickets for Carmen through a subscription, join us for just the pre-opera Reception with Richard Russell for $25 per person.
Spouses and guests are welcome. Last day to purchase tickets is December 15th, 2023. Tickets will be held at Will Call on day of the performance. Valet parking is available for $10. Sarasota Opera House is located at 61 N. Pineapple Avenue in Sarasota. Purchase tickets using the form below.
Ticket purchase is no longer available.
- Pre-opera Reception from 6:15PM-7:15PM in the Selby Bar and Lobby on the 2nd Floor
- Curtain at 7:30PM
The opera evening package includes excellent front, center orchestra seats and a private pre-opera Reception. At the pre-opera reception, attendees will enjoy a selection of appetizers and mini-desserts. Cash bar for beverages. Richard Russell, Director General of the Sarasota Opera, will speak to our group about "Carmen."
Tickets for the opera evening package are $150 per person. If you already have purchased tickets for Carmen through a subscription, join us for just the pre-opera Reception with Richard Russell for $25 per person.
Spouses and guests are welcome. Last day to purchase tickets is December 15th, 2023. Tickets will be held at Will Call on day of the performance. Valet parking is available for $10. Sarasota Opera House is located at 61 N. Pineapple Avenue in Sarasota. Purchase tickets using the form below.
Ticket purchase is no longer available.
We have reached the maximum number of attendees.
Thank you for your interest!

Joint event with the Ivy League Club of Sarasota and Manatee!