"The Principals' Center" -- Your BEST Investment To Help Our Schools

Founded in 1981, "The Principals' Center" at the Harvard Graduate School of Education provides exceptional school leaders from across the country and around the world with exemplary professional development to meet personal and professional challenges.

The Principals' Center
Founded in 1981, "The Principals' Center" at the Harvard Graduate School of Education provides aspiring and experienced school leaders from across the country and around the world with exemplary professional development to meet personal and professional challenges. The Principals' Center has dedicated itself to the support, development and improvement of school principals and other school leaders who influence the character and quality of a school.

The Principals' Center is committed to school improvement from within. Our programs provide new perspectives on leadership and enable participants to engage in personal reflection and develop strong professional networks.

Based on the premise that school leaders significantly influence best practice, The Principals' Center provides opportunities for principals and school leaders to meet in a stimulating and supportive setting to examine critical school issues. The programs challenge school leaders to create and nurture school cultures that encourage all stakeholders to strengthen teaching and learning in ways that benefit every child. Moreover, participants come from diverse educational settings across the country and around the world deepening the exchange and learning about challenges confronting today's school leaders.

PLEASE DONATE $25, $50, $100 or more TODAY-- via MASTERCARD or VISA

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